Marketing And Publishing Materials

The Brief:

Produce marketing and publishing material for their personal course project. This material should communicate:
- the purpose of their project, the problem it is seeking to resolve or opportunity it is seeking to exploit
- key issues in their field of enquiry
- research and analysis undertaken
- conclusions and, if appropriate, next steps
The marketing and publishing material may be developed in a range of media to reflect the nature both of the project and of the target audiences.

I need to tweak this for it to be relevant to my project. Not all of these seem immediately applicable for materials to promote an art project.

Here is what I think it would be appropriate to produce:

WEBSITE & PROCESS BLOG (my main web presence) - The website will be clean and tidy and visual - a front page for the project which communicates key details (who, where, when, what …) with links to further info. The process blog will be similar in style to my wiki. At some point around May as I move from prototyping to production, I will start the official project blog which will document the ecosystem as I put it together from day 0.

PRESS PACK - a ZIP file for downloading from the website or emailing. It will contain:
- a press release (who, where, when, what, couple of paragraphs about the project …)
- invitation - a posh postcard design
- high resolution publicity images
- artist's statement - a blurb about me and my work in general

CATALOGUE ESSAY - A short text which will focus on concepts, theories, methodologies and context of my project. Suitable for inclusion in group or solo exhibition catalogues or for publication through journals or conferences. I will include prototype design for a solo catalogue.

SLIDESHOW - Suitable for presentation at peer networking events such as Dorkbot, MzTech, Takeaway. Outline of the project development with more emphasis on technical details.

Second Life publicity

NOTECARD - containing press release, landmark, images, invitation and a freebie (shoulder pet?). This will be distributed via the arts groups and sent to sl bloggers and press.

ROADSIDE KIOSK - I am lucky enough to have a small roadside parcel in the same region as my project. I will put an info kiosk here with the notecard in it and a teleporter to take people to the project.

OPEN STUDIOS - Starting in May, I will hold open studio sessions in Second Life once a month. People will be able to drop in and chat about the project as well as observe its ongoing development. The idea is to build up a following and a bit of a buzz before the actual exhibition in October.

PROJECT INFO - to be made available at the project site, such as a "field guide", a slideshow or short movie.

TALKS - There is a possibility I could present at DorkbotSL. I will keep an eye open for other presentation opportunities too.

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